Galaxy Code Documentation

Galaxy is an open, web-based platform for accessible, reproducible, and transparent computational biomedical research.

  • Accessible: Users without programming experience can easily specify parameters and run tools and workflows.
  • Reproducible: Galaxy captures information so that any user can repeat and understand a complete computational analysis.
  • Transparent: Users share and publish analyses via the web and create Pages, interactive, web-based documents that describe a complete analysis.

Two copies of the Galaxy code doumentation are published by the Galaxy Project

Both copies are hosted at ReadTheDocs, a publicly supported web site for hosting project documentation.

If you have your own copy of the Galaxy source code, you can also generate your own version of this documentation:

$ cd doc
$ make html

The generated documentation will be in doc/build/html/ and can be viewed with a web browser. Note that you will need to install Sphinx and a fair number of module dependencies before this will produce output.

For more on the Galaxy Project, please visit the project home page.


Indices and tables